Reading the class reader “Poet X” by Elizabeth Acevedo has inspired 6AB students from Ms. Siquans’ English group to write their own pieces of poetry. Read on and be inspired yourself!
Some people
Some people tell us to change
They expect perfect children
Perfect lives
Some people tell us to stay the same
Don’t acknowledge the urge to learn
Don’t let us grow up
Some people try again and again
They’ll never be who they want them to be
Still, they try so they can be loved
Some people will never be loved.
3 Haikus
Knowledge in the past
Grain of salt stay very close
Stories told at dawn
Path runs with desire
Firefly is free to go
Fall spreads from the sky
Hear beats gently yet
Rising sun discover all
Ice wraps in the light(Anastasia G.)
I decided a long time ago
That there are things in live you just can’t change. Your beloved once will die some day and you can’t do anything against that. Some people will come into your live and other people will go out of your live as they were never there. The clock will always tick, and you can’t do nothing against it. Your live will always continue until you die and there is absolutely nothing you can do against that, you are not capable of freezing time, so I try to enjoy every last second of it.
They say
I have to connect with my environment again.
They say
I have to perform for my own benefit.
They say
I have to show good-will.
They say
They are worried about me.
They say
So many things that I know aren´t true.
Simon Says
I am supposed to set up the table,
My mother says.I should go to school,
The government says.I must run ten rounds,
My teacher says.I am expected to sleep eight hours,
My body says.I have to study or am going to be a failure,
My conscious says.I should go to the party,
My friend says.I ought to listen to them,
My brain says.I am supposed to be more cheerful,
The girl says.Everything is just fulfilling orders.
I say.(N.I.S.)
In the dining room
Of course, listening to you
And only to you.
What is a haiku
It is so complicated
But you will just see.
Who am I right now?
Hey, it´s me who you are now
Hell no, please just go.
(Julia W.)
Night Before First Day Of School
My night before the first day of school is always very long. My sleep schedule is always very late, because of the summer holidays. Usually I’m very happy when the new school year starts. My clothes and my backpack are all ready. Lying on my bed at 2am I can’t get any sleep, because of the many thoughts crossing my mind. Thinking about many unnecessarily things and excited to meet my friends I was already dreaming all of a sudden.
How I feel about being alone
Being alone is about being free,
Safe from anyone´s gaze or judgement,
Time to give into our longings,
Dancing, screaming, singing, crying…
To be alone can feel too good,
So good that it becomes a habit.
You skip social gatherings with friends,
Just to be at home without anyone.
Before you can even realize it,
You´ve been absent one too many times.
Friends talk about events you can´t recollect,
You´ve become lonely and the odd one out.
Still people need time alone,
To reassess after talking to people,
Thinking by themselves without help,
Getting to know the person they live in.
Be careful when you´re alone.
It is a drug too easy to use.
Loneliness comes slowly and lethal,
But too many people are a sickness, too.
Questions I Have
Even with all these rules I set for myself.
“Do what you want”
“Find something YOU like”
“Turn your passion into your job”
I don`t know what to do.
I don`t know how.
And I don`t know who to do it for.
Is it worth the risk?
Yes, you only live once, but what if that`s my sign to stop?
That I must stop wasting this one life I`ve got left.
What if it doesn`t work out and I end up as less than I am now?
I have so many questions.
So many that I think
It might be better not to answer them.(Sybil)
I like the way I live, I got used to it by now
Every day getting off from school, start my
Life-work balance flow.
But actually, I’m not into this I’m working hard all-day
Still, how can my face be so sad and grey
And finally, I’ve reached my top
So, I’m not wait’n to get my spot
To get my life ahead
I’ve gotta work harder yeah,
so be it.
(Moritz Klepp)
Night before the first day of school
It’s the same every year. I carefully pick out an outfit for tomorrow put the prettiest nail polish on that I have, to “make a good impression” as if anybody really cared or even noticed. I tell myself that this year it was going to be different. I´m going to get organised like my teachers always tell me and I’m going to do all my homework. But in reality, I know by the end of the week the pretty nail polish will be all worn off and I will have wasted all my good outfits and I will fall back into the old pattern. Like I do every year.
I’m afraid to show something of myself,
because I know that soon it won’t be “me” anymore.
So I hide in the shadows of others and wait until I am fully myself,
forgetting that I cannot grow without sunlight.
Night before the first day of school
Tomorrow my tenth year of school is starting,
My sleep is full of worrying dreams,
All made of challenges I cannot face.
I wake up after feeling overwhelmed,
The dream didn´t end with waking up,
The world is still in danger because of me.
“It´s over,” my parents told me,
No meteor is crashing down, ending everything.
I run back into my room, hiding under the covers.
Tomorrow is just the first day of school.
The world isn´t ending because I failed to save it.
Although, the summer, freedom, has come to an end.